DBA 6mm Samnites and Gauls vs Polybian Romans
I didnt have time to film a video today, but thought I'd whip out my big base DBA armies for a quick ancients game. My big base setup uses 4 40mm wide bases put together to form one big 80mm wide base which means I need a lot more 40mm bases to complete a basic 12 element army. As such I dont have enough figures to complete a full Samnite or Gallic army, only Roman and Carthaginian ones. For some variety though, I decided to take inspiration from the Battle of Sentinum in 295BC in which the Samnites and Senone Gauls (Gauls from north east italy) combined to fight the Romans. Below are the lists I used: II/33 POLYBIAN ROMANS 1x3Cv(Gen) Equites 1x3Cv Allied Cavalry 2x2Ps Velites 2x4Sp Triarii 6x4Bd Hastati & Principes II/11+13 SAMNITE & GAULS 1x3Cv(Gen) Gallic Cavalry 1x3Cv Gallic Cavalry 1x3LCh Gallic Chariots (present at Sentinum) 1x2Ps Gallic Javelinmen 5x4Ax* Samnite Warriors 3x4Wb Gallic Infantry *I have used one house rule in this game, which is increasing 4Ax co...