DBA 6mm Samnites and Gauls vs Polybian Romans

I didnt have time to film a video today, but thought I'd whip out my big base DBA armies for a quick ancients game. 

My big base setup uses 4 40mm wide bases put together to form one big 80mm wide base which means I need a lot more 40mm bases to complete a basic 12 element army. 

As such I dont have enough figures to complete a full Samnite or Gallic army, only Roman and Carthaginian ones. For some variety though, I decided to take inspiration from the Battle of Sentinum in 295BC in which the Samnites and Senone Gauls (Gauls from north east italy) combined to fight the Romans. Below are the lists I used:


1x3Cv(Gen) Equites

1x3Cv Allied Cavalry

2x2Ps Velites

2x4Sp Triarii

6x4Bd Hastati & Principes


1x3Cv(Gen) Gallic Cavalry

1x3Cv Gallic Cavalry

1x3LCh Gallic Chariots (present at Sentinum)

1x2Ps Gallic Javelinmen

5x4Ax* Samnite Warriors

3x4Wb Gallic Infantry

*I have used one house rule in this game, which is increasing 4Ax combat factor vs Foot to 4 instead of 3. This makes Samnites more of a match against the Roman Blades.

(Please feel free to zoom in on some of these photos to see the details! 6mm looks much better in person than on camera due to the focus)

The game was close for a while, both sides rolling 5s and 6s for pips in the first few bounds. The first casualties were in the Samnite centre line, but the Romans couldnt capitalise on the opening due to the rough ground behind it.

The Gauls pushed hard on their left flank bringing the game to 3 elements lost each, with the Gallic Cavalry finally defeating the Roman allied cavalry and pushing onwards towards the Roman camp.

However, This success could not be exploited. The introduction of the roman Triarii late game to fill in gaps in the centre as the romans pushed forward, enabled some additional hard flank maneuvers causing the central samnites and gauls to crumble. Final score was 4-6, so a whopping amount of casualties in that last round with the victory going to the Romans.

Thoroughly enjoyable game on both sides and Im becoming a lot more familiar with the rules. Im quite happy with the way my fleece mat looks as the battlefield.

Hopefully I can have another game with these forces for a video. I need to whip up some difficult hills so the Samnites can use Hilly terrain rather than the Gallic Arable.

Thanks for reading, see you for the next Battle Report!


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