Wargames Atlantic Great War French Infantry

Hello, thought I'd show off my recently finished Great War French Infantry by Wargames Atlantic. I'll probably use these for Blood and Valor or Through the Mud and The Blood. Havent played either rules yet so we'll see.

The Wargames Atlantic figures are quite nice, and plenty of options. Its enough for just under a full strength Section (what the french called a platoon), I'll probably get another sprue to get it up to about 36 men strong.

Here's all 31 figures done. The basing is minimal, dirt for the trenches obviously.
here is my trench raiding grenadier section armed with grenades and various close combat weapons. I wish the set had come with extra grenades to attach to these guys. The extra weapons and wire cutters here arent from the plastic box, but are from the Atlantic Digital british trench raiders STL files.

here is a basic fusilier squad of riflemen. For the blue of the uniform i used Vallejo Model Color Azure which with some thinned agrax earthshade on top, worked wonders for getting that Horizon blue look. I've also gone with a mix of gas masked and unmasked figures because it looks cool. Obviously in real life it would have been all or nothing. I like how they make them look a little bit like ducks.
the last two squads are a mix of rifle-grenadiers (note the rifle grenade attachments on some of the rifles), a chauchat automatic rifle and some loaders. These squad formations could be flexible so sometimes we see a mix like this, or sometimes the chauchats would go together and the rifle grenadiers would go together separately. They were all really ad hoc formations at this level

finally we've got a lieutenant and tow sergents. Probably need a couple more sergents as file openers and closers for the full section, but thisll do for now. I think historically the red topped cap would have been replaced by a blue cap at this stage in the war (too much of a target for snipers?) But i couldnt resist the red and it matched the wargames atlantic box art.

Overall I'm quite happy with how they all turned out. We'll see how they fair on the battlefield. I'll have to print the HMG that they sell as an STL at some point, and a tank of some kind is also inevitable, but this is enough now to test Blood and Valor.

Hope you enjoyed the showcase. Would love to hear about any Great War projects you've got going on.



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